Pride comes before a fall

13 Jan 2018 Richard St Lucia to Columbia

Thankfully the Equatorial current is very forgiving and hasn’t gone off in a sulk just because we called it by the wrong name in yesterday’s blog. It has continued to whisk us along westwards at a couple of knots, helping us achieve a noon-to-noon run of 179 nautical miles. The sea has lost the glorious electric blue of the mid-Atlantic and is now more grey-blue, with splashes of white where the waves over steepen and tumble in on themselves. It’s still very beautiful in it’s own way.

The big news from yesterday is that Jacob and I had showers and so we are both squeaky clean. That also meant new pants for me, this time with a rather fetching maroon waste band that happens to match the maroon belt on my sailing shorts. Perhaps I took a little too much pleasure in my colour-coordinated clothing because at suppertime I managed to pour half a can of beer all over my lap. A quick spray down and then it was back to my all-weather jim- jams for the rest of the evening. Hopefully tomorrow will bring something more interesting to write about. I guess we could always hoist the Blue Water Runner!